Gloomy Saturday

What a gloomy saturday. I have spent that day at home and chated with my friend about my life. And guess what happened to me? Yes, I was crying like a baby when he told me that what I did all this time wasn't 100  % right. He opened my eyes, led me to see things in different way.

It's about my dream. I've been dreaming to study abroad. I've been trying hard to apply many scholarships to study overseas. But I didn't succeed to get one of them. I blamed myself for this failure.

made this picture by myself using PAPER

He saw my problem differently. Firstly, he asked me the reason of my study abroad. For him, my reasons didn't make any sense. He thought that my irrational reason was the cause of my failure. He suggested me to find the right reason of chasing my dream. 

I got many life lessons from him. He said that dream is not a competition. Do not compare my dream to others. Look at achievement I've got instead of complaining about dreams I fail to chase.

After long conversation with him, I rearrange my life, my dream. I am now choosing the right path to make my dreams come true. I won't compare my achievement to others. Keep focus on my dreams and the most important thing: don't lose hope. I do, he does believe that I have the ability to get the scholarship. Time will tell...

PS: I am starting to go blog in English in order to improve my English. So sorry, if you find any mistakes in this blog post. I would love to get a feedback about my English. 
